Prophecy Trilogy vol.III – And There Shall Be A New Heaven And A New Earth


This book, the final volume of the Prophecy Trilogy, offers startling insights into the nature of those coming changes spoken of in holy writ. Drawing on theories of modern catastrophists and the statements of latter-day prophets, Bro. Larson pieces together a startling picture of the heavens and the earth as they existed anciently — and will again exist in the Millennium.

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The scriptures speak of a coming Millennium, of “a new heaven and a new earth.” This book, the final volume of the Prophecy Trilogy, offers startling insights into the nature of those coming changes spoken of in holy writ. Drawing on theories of modern catastrophists and the statements of latter-day prophets, Bro. Larson pieces together a startling picture of the heavens and the earth as they existed anciently — and will again exist in the Millennium. Finalizing the theme of his previous works, he explores the correlation between the myths, legends and symbols of ancient cultures and the world-shaking cataclysmic events of which the scriptures testify. One cannot help but be persuaded by the weight of evidence from myth, legend, tradition, scripture and the words of the prophets that major events of earth’s past and future have been and will be shaped by “the powers of heaven,” i.e., the power of God operating through cataclysmic, interplanetary forces. To the LDS community, the view Bro. Larson advocates may sound radically new, yet it rings true when experienced through the words of Joseph Smith. It gives meaning to the most cryptic, enigmatic passages in scripture. Your perception of the past, the present and the future, of the prophets and the scriptures will never be the same. (154 pages, $15.00, includes shipping and handling)