Prophecy Trilogy vol.I – And The Moon Shall Turn To Blood



The first book in the Prophecy Trilogy explores traditions in the Old Testament, and prophecies about the last days with regard to the history and future of Earth and cosmological changes that will take place.

SKU: 0939184052 Category:


If you have an interest in the prophecies detailing the events to erupt in the very last days, then you are invited to become engrossed in the gripping theories set forth in these pages. You will read of catastrophic changes that will not only blaze across the sky, but disrupt every facet of life on this planet. In this work, a stunning new understanding of cosmological changes in the heavens and on the earth joins with the truths of the restored gospel to give incredible insight into the meaning of prophecy. Now, new scientific findings about the past not only clarify some of the more enigmatic passages of the Old Testament, but they also illuminate our understanding of prophecy — both ancient and modern.

If you have struggled to understand the prophecies of events that may effect your life and have found only mystery and confusion, you will be fascinated with this book. After examining the events of the Exodus from a fresh perspective, the author, Anthony Larson, applies his knowledge to portions of Revelation, Doctrine and Covenants, and the Book of Mormon, along with statements of Joseph Smith from the Documentary History of the Church and other sources. It is not surprising that the combination of the revealed truth and a new scientific theory should result in a quantum leap forward in our comprehension of the scriptures and prophecy.

Additional information

Weight 0.9 lbs
Dimensions 8.7 × 5.4 × 0.8 in


19 reviews for Prophecy Trilogy vol.I – And The Moon Shall Turn To Blood

  1. Anonymous

    What a great and marvelous wonder you have given us, the members of the church.

  2. Anonymous

    Works for me! I feel as if I have just finished one of the “Hidden Treasures” of the last days. You have answered all the questions and opened a whole new source of information to explore and digest . . . Truly like turning on a light bulb.

  3. Anonymous

    I felt overjoyed and grateful as my questions were being answered on this site. I felt more excited than a kid on Christmas Eve! I even giggled out loud a few times out of joy as I read.

  4. Anonymous

    Before taking these classes, I thought I knew the Restored Gospel. I didn’t know anything!

  5. Anonymous

    I am grateful for your work because I think you get people to seriously ponder questions that are essential for our salvation that we might otherwise miss.

  6. Anonymous

    My very soul is thankful to you for these truths.

  7. Anonymous

    Words cannot tell how much I have enjoyed your lessons! . . . Each one was actually better and more informative than the last.

  8. Anonymous

    Since attending your classes, we have read the scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments with a much clearer picture and understanding. Isaiah and Revelation finally made sense.

  9. Anonymous

    I am completely fascinated. I just couldn’t get enough of it.

  10. Anonymous

    Thank you for sharing your amazing research and talents.

  11. Anonymous

    My soul has been enlarged greatly by what I have learned. My understanding is deeper. . . . Dispelling darkness and error is a wonderful and great cause.

  12. Anonymous

    I have read your books with deep interest. In fact, I have read them a number of times, and find them more fascinating each time.

  13. Anonymous

    Please allow me to thank you for the marvelous experience of enlightenment and edification which you have brought to me.

  14. Anonymous

    I am impressed. I have always been a seeker of greater information on the last days, and yet always feel dissatisfied with the information, hypothesis and theories that I have heard. Your books are the first that seem to anser questions with a satisfying sigh of relief. They are amazing, incredible and, I am afraid, all too accurate.

  15. Anonymous

    Never have I read any material on the Second Coming that went into so much detail as to give the reader a visual idea of the extremities of the last days.

  16. Anonymous

    Sharing your knowledge of the ancient and of biblical and modern prophecy has enlightened me immensely.

  17. Anonymous

    I am writing to thank you for your wonderful website and your work. Thank you for encouraging us to learn these ancient things and how they apply to us.

  18. Anonymous

    I have been reading your work for a few years now, and I can’t thank you enough for all of your efforts in trying to once more bring to light this wonderful knowledge.

  19. Anonymous

    Thank you for the Prophecy Trilogy. It has been the source of a great awakening within me.

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